Yamaha YRT-304B Professional Tenor Recorder with Baroque Fingering
Yamaha YRT-304B Professional Tenor Recorder with Baroque FingeringYamahaYRT-304B is a product to be taken into possession. Because there is very useful in applications. And it's a reasonable price. Not too expensive. Yamaha YRT-304B Professional Tenor Recorder with Baroque FingeringYamahaYRT-304B can be purchased from the Internet. After Yamaha YRT-304B Professional Tenor Recorder with Baroque FingeringYamahaYRT-304B was purchased. Products are delivered quickly. It makes our family very happy after work. It is very easy to use. The installation is easy because Yamaha YRT-304B Professional Tenor Recorder with Baroque FingeringYamahaYRT-304B is easy to read and understand the information they love Yamaha YRT-304B Professional Tenor Recorder with Baroque FingeringYamahaYRT-304B so much. We have recommended that we buy it all. If you are looking for a similar product that I recommend. Because the price is not too expensive. One. Yamaha YRT-304B Professional Tenor Recorder with Baroque FingeringYamahaYRT-304B has a price. And limited.Yamaha YRT-304B Professional Tenor Recorder with Baroque FingeringYamahaYRT-304B
Yamaha YRT-304B Professional Tenor Recorder with Baroque Fingering Overview
The 300 series offers a complete range of top quality recorders. This instrument delivers a rich body of sound, while providing the convenience of durable, maintenance-free ABS resin.
Yamaha YRT-304B Professional Tenor Recorder with Baroque Fingering Feature
- Yamaha 300-Series three-piece C-tenor recorder, with Baroque-English fingering.
- Dark brown recorder with ivory trim; double holes for low D & D#; double keys for low C & C#.
- Includes zippered snap-top brown leatherette bag; cleaning rod; fingering chart; joint grease.
- This recorder is approximately 25.5" long.